Does repetitive strain qualify for workers’ compensation?

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2023 | Uncategorized

People get hurt on the job under many different circumstances. Some workers develop cancer because of on-the-job exposure to asbestos and other known human carcinogens, like tobacco smoke. Others end up injured by heavy equipment or tools used on the job. Many of the worst traumatic work injuries occur during some specific precipitating incident, like an equipment malfunction or a car crash. However, there are also many workers who end up with diminished functional ability, reduced earning potential and medical expenses without ever having suffered an injurious incident on the job.

Repetitive strain, which people sometimes also call repetitive stress or cumulative trauma, occurs when someone uses their body to perform the same task repeatedly. The repetitive use of a body part to perform the same function over time will lead to reduced strength and range of motion, as well as pain, in many cases. Everyone from cashiers and receptionists to taxi drivers and factory workers could develop repetitive strain injuries from work.

Connecticut workers’ compensation covers all work injuries

Repetitive strain injuries are often a direct result of someone typing, holding a tool or lifting heavy boxes every day at work. So long as the doctor who diagnoses someone with a repetitive strain disorder, like carpal tunnel syndrome, connects the injury to their job functions, they should typically be able to apply for workers’ compensation benefits.

Coverage can reimburse someone for the medical care they have already received and cover their future treatment costs. They may also qualify for disability benefits. Repetitive strain often requires time off of work if someone hopes to make a full recovery, and workers’ compensation can replace someone’s wages while they rest their body.

In cases where workers have to move to a different profession and will earn less, permanent partial disability benefits can replace some of their lost income. When a worker initiates a claim for benefits because of a job-related medical condition, they also make it easier to request accommodations from their employer that will help them keep working.

Discussing one’s diagnosis and job responsibilities with a workers’ compensation attorney can help someone better evaluate whether they are in a position to file a claim.