Most people expect very simple process when seeking compensation from an insurance company after an accident occurs. After all, many insurance providers advertise aggressively and claim that their company offers fast and generous payments.
Those involved in car crashes understand that a driver who caused the wreck is responsible for covering crash costs. They might hope to quickly settle with another driver’s insurance company. Communicating directly with the insurance company may seem like the most efficient way of resolving a post-crash claim.
Unfortunately, insurance companies count on the trust of claimants and may engage in aggressive tactics intended to deprive people of the coverage they require. It can be a very big mistake to talk directly with another driver’s insurance company after a crash before you have connected with an experienced legal team that can help you to safeguard your interests moving forward.
The company wants to keep costs low
No matter how cute an insurance company’s commercials might be, their priority is never the happiness of those filing large claims. Instead, the company wants to minimize claim payouts. Oftentimes, insurance professionals utilize very aggressive tactics in a bid to decrease company losses after a car crash.
The goal is to pay less than the applicable policy limits instead of offering the claimant the maximum amount of compensation. Insurance companies may offer low settlements or may try to trick someone into making a recorded statement to justify denying them sufficient coverage in the future. Small errors, such as admitting partial responsibility or apologizing when giving a recorded statement, can potentially leave someone at a disadvantage as they seek compensation for crash losses.
People have the right to legal help
Although many people try to handle insurance matters alone, there is no rule that says they must do so. In fact, they have the right to legal representation when negotiating or even communicating with an insurance company.
Insurance providers must treat their policyholders appropriately in accordance with bad faith insurance laws. However, companies have no such obligations to claimants after crashes. Therefore, those filing sizable claims may need help from someone capable of understanding the high-pressure negotiation tactics of an insurance adjuster and responding to them appropriately.
It may be possible to give a recorded statement with reduced risk when there is a lawyer present to guide someone’s answers or let them know when the insurance adjuster has done something inappropriate. An attorney can also handle the negotiation process and can provide advanced warning when it is clear that the settlement offered is inappropriately low.
Getting the right help when handling insurance matters after a car crash can have a major impact on someone’s finances for years to come. Those who have proper guidance are less likely to fall victims to manipulative tactics commonly utilized during major insurance negotiations.