Dog bite on the job: Workers’ compensation or personal injury?

On Behalf of | Aug 18, 2024 | Dog Bites

What are the odds that someone may be attacked by a dog while on the job as a tree maintenance or home improvement worker? Suppose this is your current predicament; you’re regrettably aware of how likely this scenario truly is.

Being bitten by someone else’s dog is undoubtedly a terrifying experience that inspires significant physical and emotional trauma. Furthermore, the thought of the extensive care you may need, especially if the dog bite injury is severe, can be overwhelming. You may wonder whether you should pursue a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit. Understanding the nuances of each option is crucial in making the best decision for your situation.

Understanding workers’ compensation

As the name suggests, this form of compensation should provide you with financial relief if you get injured on the job. You may want to pursue workers’ compensation benefits because you were working when the dog bit you. Suppose you qualify for the compensation; you can expect coverage for some medical expenses incurred during recovery. In the case of a dog bite injury, you may incur medical expenses due to:

  • Surgery
  • Your hospital stay
  • Prescribed medications
  • Physical therapy

If the injury was so severe that you aren’t able to resume work for some time, you may also qualify for the replacement of a portion of your lost wages.

The case for a personal injury lawsuit

You may choose to pursue a personal injury lawsuit to hold the dog owner accountable for their negligence. A successful personal injury claim could provide compensation for the physical and emotional distress you endured from the dog bite. You may also receive compensation for all the wages you lost, including your future earnings, if the dog bite injury affects your long-term ability to make a living.

While a personal injury lawsuit promises more compensation, it could be much more time-consuming than pursuing a workers’ compensation claim. One of the surefire ways to qualify for maximum settlement is to have proof that the dog bite occurred because the dog’s owner was negligent.

Deciding between a personal injury lawsuit and a workers’ compensation claim can be challenging, particularly when dealing with a severe injury like a dog bite. As a worker injured while on the job, your first step should be seeking legal feedback, which can help you navigate the complexities and maximize your compensation either – or both – ways.