What types of workers’ comp benefits does Connecticut offer?

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

An on-the-job injury may have many frustrating consequences. Someone hurt at work may have to leave in the middle of the day. They may miss multiple shifts while they recover. Serious injuries may make a longer leave of absence necessary. Workers may require light-duty work. They may not be able to perform the same job tasks they usually do. They also have medical costs related to their treatment.

The possibility of a work injury may make many jobs unattractive because of the risk they involve. Connecticut helps limit worker risks by requiring workers’ compensation coverage. Employers are required to invest in insurance policies and workers can make workers’ compensation claims in pursuit of benefits. What types of benefits are available for those hurt on the job in Connecticut?

Medical benefits

Not all workers have health insurance offered by their employers. Even those with insurance often have to pay for some of their health care needs. Standard insurance policies have deductibles or coinsurance. Patients often pay thousands for their care.

Workers’ compensation provides full medical coverage. Injured employees can get necessary treatment without paying out of pocket. A physician determines the treatment plan. Workers’ compensation can pay for all necessary care. Employees can receive physical therapy, surgery and medication through workers’ compensation at no cost.

Disability benefits

Workers’ compensation can help replace lost wages as well. If an employee must take a leave of absence, they may qualify for temporary total disability benefits. Some workers are subject to light-duty limitations. They may receive temporary partial disability benefits. Workers’ compensation can reduce the difference between their usual wages and light-duty wages.

If workers have permanent injuries, they may qualify for permanent disability benefits. There are both total and partial permanent disability benefits available.

Death benefits

If a worker dies, their family members may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Families can receive disability benefits to replace lost wages. There’s also a funeral benefit available that can cover up to $4,000 in burial and funeral expenses.

Getting workers’ compensation benefits can be a difficult process. Workers may require support when filing a claim and negotiating for benefits.